
terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2013


Pois é, o dia foi tenso e ainda não chegaram a um acordo. Vamos continuar pensando forte para que a Pafso concorde com as misteriosas "condições" e acabe de vez com essa greve...

23 July 2013 - Statement by the Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers: Government's Response to Offer of Binding Arbitration
Shortly before today’s noon deadline, PAFSO received a letter from the President of the Treasury Board responding to our offer of binding arbitration.
As he has stated publicly, Minister Clement has agreed to PAFSO’s offer of binding arbitration subject to “certain conditions”. PAFSO is reviewing these conditions and will follow up directly with the Treasury Board. PAFSO will need to assure itself that any arbitration mechanism allows for a full and fair hearing of arguments on both sides – an objective we are sure the Government shares.
PAFSO appreciates the Government’s attempt at finding a resolution to this dispute and remains hopeful that a responsible way forward can be agreed upon by both parties. Until agreement is reached, there will be no change in PAFSO’s job action measures.
PAFSO will update our members, the general public, and the media once we have more information to share.


4 comentários:

  1. Olá Dea,

    É bom que acabem logo com isso, ou isso vai acabar acabando com a gente! Desculpe o trocadilho!

    Abraços e boa sorte!

    Mung Daal

    1. Nem me fale... acabei de ler seu post na comunidade... nada de acordo ainda, né?! :/


  2. Ai, gente! Que saco, hein? Por que esse povo não se decide logo?


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